Thursday, December 31, 2009

Because Enquiring Minds Want to Know...

365 Days of Worth started percolating, unbeknownst to my conscious self, when recently I asked Joan to help keep me accountable for all the many things I've got going on in my life. It's a very good life, but is it ever busy! And in that busyness, I have often found myself standing on a precipice absolutely paralyzed, unable to do what needs done. It's too easy to blame my circumstances: I have four kids (from 14yo down to 3yo)... I need to keep my home running (bills, groceries, chores, supervising chores, laundry...)... I need to teach my children (and turn in their grades ::cough::)... I need to work on speech therapy with one of the kids... I need to do some bookkeeping for work... I need to... take care of myself? But there's no time for that!

No time for that? How can there be no time to center myself for a few minutes with the Maker of my soul? How can there be no time for reading a good book? How can there be no time for a walk around the block? How can there be no time to hang some pictures on the walls that have been bare for three years? How can I have no time or energy to declutter my home? How can I have no time to care for my body (which is a gift from my Creator)?

As I looked over my days and how they've been spent, I realized that a good portion of my time has been stolen and squandered by a woman who has forgotten her worth. Why on earth would I consider a new project like this blog when I already have so much to do? That was my first thought when Joan suggested a jointly written blog for the coming year. My next thought was: because I have so much to do, I need to do this! Yet another to-do list has been scribbled out next to my computer, but it's a list I can't wait to share. It's a growing list of things that I know will be good for me, good to me, and bless me (and in turn, I surely hope they will bless you, too).

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