This past weekend we got out of Dodge for a day. Just me and the husband. It was supposed to be an early celebration of his birthday... but we got the oil changed on his car and went to the movies. (Do I know how to celebrate or what?) I have to say, it was an outstanding day. It had been far, far too long since we had last been on a real date together. What a joy to converse in normal tones, cut and eat our own food on our own plates, watch the movie without explaining the plot, and just be together. It was even wonderful to get home to kids eating cupcakes and having them too wired for bed.
Why was it so great? Because we got out. Out of the house. Out of a rut. Out of the way of bigger responsibilities (though I must say it was very important to get the oil change done). It was such a nice change of pace that the next day, after Mass, we packed the family up and went on a two-mile hike at a preserve near our house. It was terrific fun, despite the mountain lion warnings at the park entrance.
I always bought the party line of "husbands and wives need to make time for each other and get out once a week," but our budget and family circumstances haven't always fallen in line. We thought we were doing just fine to rent a movie and have a snack at 10:30pm on whatever night worked. And while that is much, much better than not trying to have a few minutes together, it is not the same as getting out of Dodge!
To take this a step further, it isn't just married folk who need to get out and reconnect. As individuals, we each need to take purposeful time to get out. If you never listen to music, how will you know what you like? If you never take a walk, how will you know what your favorite route is? If you never go hike, how will you know what lies beyond your block of the neighborhood? If you never (fill in the blank), how will you (fill in the next blank)? If you do not get out -- get out of yourself, out of your comfort zone, out of your rut -- how will you know who you are?
I am worth a regular good date - alone, with my husband and with my family.
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